Please Join us at Cafe Coda in the discussion and leadership of the New Madison Jazz Society
APRIL 15th 11:30am -1PM (BYO sack lunch — drinks provided)
Vision for the NEW MJS: to be a Jazz Education organization and network for Dane County and beyond

- MJS Jazz Residencies
- MJS school jazz grants
- Madison Jazz Jam educational jams and workshops
- UW Honors Jazz Band
- UW December jazz invitational
- Area high school jazz programs
- Cool School/Culture Coach/ Café Coda (Hanah JT)
- Art Lit Lab /Madison Jazz Festival (Jolynne/ Nick)
- Individuals doing lessons, outreach and residencies
- The Bridge Project (Peter D /Ben F)
Meeting Goals:
- To Meet other jazz educators and those concerned with this cause.
- Join a discussion about our community needs for jazz education and how you fit in
- Create a new MJS jazz education focused Board (~7 board members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 3 members at large)
- Create a variety of teams to address current jazz education programing and ways to better support it (possible list of teams)
- Area HS and Big Band Jazz Liaison Team (open lines of communication and promote jazz events, create possibilities to share resources for these groups, etc
- Jazz Residencies team (provide support for jazz artists doing residencies in schools)
- Jazz Grants Team (solicit donations and offer funding struggling jazz programming in schools)
- Community Jazz Outreach Team (get jazz events on the current jazz and arts calendars, promote jazz education, solicit memberships and dream up ways to support and grow the knowledge of this USA born art form in our community.
Future 2023 MJS Meetings:
(after June 2023 This group will become the New Madison Jazz Society – rebooted as a Jazz Education Organization with fully revamped Website)
Meeting 3xs a year:
- April 2023
- August 2023
- December 2023